
Summary of the courses I taught

As of today, I only taught in French Universities, so this page is just a summary of what I taught for future reference. If you want to check in more details, visit the french version.

I was enrolled in a math department (I am a theoretical computer scientist), so I can do both math and computer teachings. I am also really interested in pedagogy, as I understood a lot of things “late” and wonder why they weren’t taught to me that way in the first place.

(Precision on vocabulary)

I will use PS for a practical session (usually TP), on a computer for example, where students have to solve exercises / a problem and we help them along the way I will use ES for an exercice session (usually TD), with a sheet of exercises and we try to do as much as we can. I will use C for class, where I was a full teacher (doing lessons and exercises session myself)

PhD Years (64h / year)


For this year, I decided to switch to computer science teachings to have in my CV that I can do both.

  • Advanced Java Programming (L2) (44h of PS)
  • Computer Architecture (L2) (9h ES, 12h PS)


  • 1 Hippocampe intership, 3x6 hours (only count as 12h), where we get groups of children and we make them discover research by giving them a matehmatical problem to solve.
  • Linear Algebra (L1) (18h ES, with a bit of teaching here and there)
  • Mathematical Tools (L1 in 2 years, 1st year) (30h C), this was my first class as a full teacher. I taught the basics of complex numbers and linear differential equations. This was not easy, this is a special class of students who are behind and need to catch up (so we do the 1st year of Uni in 2 years).
  • Oral training in differential calculus (L2) (4h), this is a 1h graded oral where we also help student along the way.


  • 2 Hippocampe intership, 3x6 hours (only count as 12h), where we get groups of children and we make them discover research by giving them a matehmatical problem to solve.
  • Linear Algebra (L1) (18h ES)
  • Computer Science for Mathematician (M1) (14h ES), a course where we teach the basics of Python and Algorithmics to mathematicians.
  • Oral training in transformation, isometries in 2D (L2) (6h), this is a 1h graded oral where we also help student along the way.